The 2nd International Workshop on Re-design Industrial Control Systems with Security (RICSS)

RICSS will take place on October 14-18, 2024, in Salt Lake City, U.S.A., co-located with ACM CCS 2024.

Aim and Scope:

Industrial Control System (ICS) and its software touches every aspect of the critical infrastructure used by our industry, academia, and government. Back in the days, these systems and software were not designed with security in mind. With the ever expanding interconnectivity of ICS environments and new threats, practitioners are stuck on a patchwork of security. While certain proprietary ICS software manufacturers have started to provide security solutions, free and open source ICS software is often less known. The goal of the workshop is twofold: we want to collect ideas on redesigning (parts of) the ICS ecosystem so that security is built-in by design; we also invite contributions on designing, incorporating, and maintaining secure open-source ICS software.

Important Dates


Contacts will be updated later.